Hot And Sweaty

Now im 29 weeks and iam always feels hot and my body sweaty.. Even i on the aircon.. Still feel hot...? Is it normal? Do you preggy mom feel the same?

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hahahaha... yes its normal cz even now im 35weeks in ac room pun tak cukup. mandi 10kali pun tak cukup.pastu tengah malam tiba2 rasa sejuk. off kipas agin tak sampai 2min terus berpeluh.🤣🤣kena bertabah la sampai beranak nanti.

6y trước

kan... saya pun cuma pakai towel and sarong je siang malam.. kalau berbaju memang basah je baju tu..panas ba..😫😫😫

Same.. 1st 3 months always feel cold till shiver.. after that keep sweating even in aircond room..

hehe .. normal tu ... tido mlm pun nk psg ekon or kipas kuat2 .. huhby tdo berbungkus sbb sjuk .. nk buat mcm mne kan

haah normal . sbb bdn kite sllu letih kan n sllu rasa rimas n tak selesa . dah mandi pun still peluh n tak selesa

6y trước

haa itulah . pengorbanan seorang ibu kn mcm2 kerenah ade

same ☺️☺️ wlwpn lps mndi tp x smpai 5 minit berpluh daaa... huhu.. malam plg sadis sgt pns..

normal.. saya org siap tegur demam keee haha pastu suami jawab mmg badan die panas mcm tu 😂

sama dgn saya da 25 weeks...mlm selalu kepanasan bpeluh2..da mandi masi rasa x selesa..

im 24 weeks .. and i feel the same too .. i think its normal

Thành viên VIP

im pregnant 11 weeks and feeling on and off super hot!

6y trước

It’s normal 😊

Sama.. Pergi kerja baju basah peluh.. Dah mandi pun boleh berpeluh..

6y trước

kan.. tadi pergi kedai anak cakap kedai tu sejuk tapi mama dia berpeluh2