Confinement meals

Not looking to hire confinement nanny, planned to have just confinement meals delivered to me daily. Been reading about chili padi, tian wei and Thomson confinement food and nouriche. Anyone tried any of the above able to provide some comments? I read that chili padi their thermal container not clean well at times. Like stale smell or oil seen in their Logan red dates soup. Anyone experience it before? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated! #pleasehelp #advicepls #1stimemom

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I'm having Tian Wei now, food taste not as good as compare to 2019, salty and oily.

3y trước

food standard really dropped!!! I saw many reviews there're variety and no repeating but my 4 weeks meal is mostly repeated, i find it like normal Tingkat, not worth the price

Have had 2 days of confinement food from tianwei so far and its good i would say!

I like yue zi le!