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on night ,no need to wake up the baby to breastfeed because they need enough sleep for brain development and healthy growth. Unless during the day, he doesn't breastfeed but chooses to sleep, as mum needs to be woken up baby from sleep . If baby chooses to nap during the day for a long time, BMI he won't be attractive . SO mommy don't worry ya

Let him sleep.. Only feed when he awake (that mean he's hungry). At this age they can sleep longer & can different day & night.. That why he sleep deeply at night. As long as you nursing him more in day than night, no need to worry for him sleep. Gaining weight normal & having pee & poop pattern normal is also sign of enough feeding.

let him sleep.when my son is 2 weeks old, he already following his sleep schedule. sleep at 11pm to 7am without waking up to breastfeed.. during the day will eat 2ounce every 2 hours. until now my son is 3 months old, I have enough sleep too. don't worry, it's normal.. Babies will grow quickly when they have enough sleep

My daughter also 3 month,doctor advice that don’t let she sleeping thru the night..my doctor advice at least 4-5hrs then wake she up for feeding..my baby will sleep at 10 then wake up at 2-3am for breastfeed..then continue to sleep again wake up again at 7am..i practice like this..4-5hrs must feed the baby

Umur 3 bulan ni blh dikira kebanyakan baby dah blh beza tdo siang/malam.. dia dah mula rutin tdo.. normal kalau setakat bangun mnum susu 2-3kali je.. so malam dia akan lena lebih lama.. follow demand dia ja sis.. no worries as long as dia still nak susu, berak&kencing dia ok.. perut x kembung.. m chart dia ok..

same as my daughter. Sometimes she sleeps 5hours straight. i asked my paed, and she says its okay to let baby sleep. They got deep sleep also

let him sleep till he awake. Baby will gain weight when he have good sleep. After he awake then feed him will be better way 😊

Hai anyone is on the same situation with me, my baby is 3 months old now but he hardly sleep during the day. if he fall asleep then he only sleep for like an hour only. he was sleepy but he hold his eyes and not sleeping. but will sleep throughout the night without problem. what can i do to fix this??

Same here. Baby sy 3mth 4days pun mcm tu. Nak kentut dan poo menangis sampai semput2 dan merah2 muka. Kelmarin refer doc, doc cakap baby kena colic. So doc bagi ubat abdominal colic

Let him sleep if he has no weight problem. No point waking him up if he doesnt want to feed. Different with my kids. Girl and boy, when they were 3 mnths old, both bottle feeds at night. They fed on their milk even with their eyes close. Then they simply went back to sleep when the milk finished.

Better let him sleep. Or set the alarm gap longer at night.

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