Baby bottles recommendation.

Need some advice on newborn baby bottles. What brand works for newborns? Thank you in advance!

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Super Mom

Check whether the brand u using has any after sales service or support or exchange

Super Mom

Depends on your child. Dont buy too many of the same one. Mine prefers pigeon.

Chicco prefect five bottles, anti-colic and it's affordable

Thành viên VIP

I using avent anti colic quite good. Dr brown leaks badly.

If breastfeeding as well , use wide neck pigeon natural

My LO is using Tommee Tippee. So far so good.😁

Thành viên VIP

I used pigeon. But I feel its up to individual

Thành viên VIP

Avent or Chicco would be a great start.

Mine used medela calma and dr drown

Pigeon is easily accessible