Washing newborn clothes before wear

Hello. Is it necessary to wash all newborn clothes before they wear? Is it necessary to use baby laundry detergent, or is sensitive skin laundry detergent ok?

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Is always best to wash before wearing. Hygiene purpose. I do use baby detergent when they are younger

Yes, surely you must wash before letting your baby use to get rid of dust, residual from factory etc.

Thành viên VIP

Yes, need to wash the clothes before they wear it. And need to use baby laundry detergent as well.

Yes. I would usually washed before giving to my son. I use Kodomo baby laundry detergent

I do. I feel once they are bigger it’s okay but I wouldn’t mess with newborn stuffs

Super Mom

Yes yes, pls wash them before using for baby... Wanna keep everything hygienic for baby

Influencer của TAP

Yep wash before giving lo to wear, especially if they are kept for quite some time.

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yes need to wash!!! hygiene purpose 😊 i will use baby laundry detergent.

Yes please wash using baby detergent first as baby skin is very sensitive.

Yes, i will wish before use and use a gentle baby detergent like kodomo :)