My son loves cheeses - which ones are safe for him to eat? He's 1 year old.

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The “safest” types of cheeses are Cottage cheese, ricotta, cream cheese, processed cheeses and hard cheeses like cheddar and parmesan. As mentioned, cultured dairy products like yogurt are generally considered to be safe for both a baby and a pregnant woman. Cheeses are typically offered to the non-allergic baby between 8 and 10 months of age. If your baby has a known or suspected dairy issue (either a milk protein or lactose intolerance) then you should wait to introduce cheese and other dairy when your infant is older. As always, you should consult baby’s pediatrician about introducing cheese to your baby as generalities may not apply.

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It is best to stick to natural cheese for babies and toddlers. One thing to look out for when choosing cheese would be the sodium content. Best to choose those that has less than 680mg per 100gm. Here are some that are considered safe: Cheddar, Parmesan, Edam, Colby, Colby Jack, Swiss, Mozzarella, Monterey Jack, Romano, Provolone, Red Leicester, Gouda, Cottage Cheese, Ricotta, Mascarpone, Cream Cheese (list is not exhaustive) And here are some to avoid: Brie, Camembert, Chevre, Queso Blanco, Queso Fresco (list is not exhaustive) Also, avoid processed cheese as these usually contain a lot of chemicals, salt, preservatives, flavor enhancer etc.

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Dairy products can be great for babies. "Cheese is very good for baby and may be introduced as early as 8 months providing there are no dairy allergies; start by offering the lighter tasting cheeses (Colby, Jack, American)" Be mindful when you are purchasing cheeses , though. Some people are still unaware of the differences of cheese and cheese products. Obviously, natural is the best choice for you and your baby. In any case, just make sure that the baby can easily eat the food. In other words, slice it, melt it, or make it safe for your baby to eat.

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I agree with the mums who have mentioned sodium content. When my son was little, we kept it simple. Natural, unprocessed is the way to go. Try natural cheddar grated on to his food, cottage cheese mixed in to bakes and mashes, and even a little swiss cheese mixed in to meals. I would be careful with the parmesean though. It has a high salt content.

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I love cheese myself so I can understand his love for cheese! I read an article that states that cheese can be a source for nutrients so be sure to check the label. Pick the ones that have high calcium and Vitamin D while low in sodium. You can read more here:

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When looking out for the cheese your 1 year old can eat, look out for the cheese expectant mums can eat which are mainly made from pasteurized milk. Cheese such as Cheddar, Parmesan, Paneer, Swiss cheese and mozzarella should be fine. Please do avoid cheese made from unpasteurized milk as well as processed cheese.

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My nephew absolutely loves Kraft String Cheese. We usually cut it into smaller cubes and he'll pick them up by himself. He also likes cubes of cheddar and occasionally his mom will give him cream cheese on his crackers.

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