8 Replies

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my friend's daughter had the same issue when they just started P1. the longer hours, increased homework and activities does take some transition time. she tries to keep a bedtime routine for her though, so she goes to bed at 10pm every night. and try not to bury her under endless enrichment activities over the weekend, bringing her outdoors to relax is good. She's in P2 now and coping well. hope this works for you too :)

Definitely! What we do is encourage reading just before bedtime- once their minds have rested after a long day. Make it like a fun activity, not a chore (or an added task for the day). That way they'll beg you for more reading time!

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I spend time bonding with my children during dinner and after dinner TV time. School is important but children need down time too

We use the "dead" time -- in buses or waiting areas to read. A book in the bag always. :)
