5 Replies

Some stats to consider 1. Waiting 18 months to 23 months after the birth of your last child before conceiving another seems best for the new baby's health, according to several studies. 2. A gap of less than 17 months carries an increased risk of your baby being premature and underweight. These risks are highest for babies conceived less than six months after the birth of a previous child. 3. Babies conceived more than five years after your previous child may also face an increased risk of being premature and underweight. 4. A 2011 study found children conceived within one year after their mother gave birth were at increased risk for autism. 5. The March of Dimes, an organization that aims to prevent premature birth, recommends women wait at least 18 months after the birth of a child before becoming pregnant again. 6. One of the public health goals of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (called Healthy People 2020) is to reduce the percentage of pregnancies conceived within 18 months of a previous birth from 35 percent to 32 percent by 2020. So by looking at science I would reckon wait for at least 18 months and not more than 5 years. Then you need to consider how many children you want and how economically viable it is for you to have 2 kids (or more). If you are average household income, I suggest to conceive in about a year so that by the time baby arrives, the eldest will be slightly over 3, so you can hand me down things like baby cot, stroller, car seat etc, instead of having to buy 2 of everything.

I think if you feel that your body is ready for a second pregnancy, you can consider trying again if you are hoping to have a second child. If you are able to get pregnant now, your elder one would be at least 2. While it may still be challenging, but I think it is still managable as he will be better able to express himself verbally at that age. That being said, 2 could still be a "challenging" time as it is when the toddler starts developing his sense of self and is trying to make sense of the world and his place in it. Another point to consider is that it may take a few tries to conceive successfully, so it may be good to start now to take off the stress off from aiming for a certain age gap. Ultimately, I think it is dependent on whether you and your husband is ready. If the responsibilities can be shared and there is help and support available, it will probably be more manageable.

I would say 3 years age gap is just nice. My elder one is quite independent when my second one is here. After baby has arrived, she is able to help me in taking care of the baby such as feeding milk and changing diapers. If the difference of age is too small, parents might find it overwhelmed to handle 2 babies. On the other hand, if the age gap is too wide, siblings will hardly play together as the interests will be totally different between them. http://sg.theasianparent.com/what-is-the-ideal-spacing-between-children/

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2-3 is a good gap. Given that a baby is born after 9 months and it might take 3-6 before conceiving, starting to try when baby is around 1-1.5 yrs should be good.

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