My six-month-old has suddenly lost interest in breastfeeding and is not latching like before? What do I do?

Sounds like your baby is on a nursing strike. This is common in babies between three and eight months old. It is unlikely that your baby is trying to wean himself/herself (which usually start around nine months old). Nursing strike usually only last for a few days (but could go up to 10 days). Here’s what you can do. During the strike, the two most important things you need to focus on are: i) Expressing your milk: pump according to how often your baby was breastfeeding. This will help ease uncomfortable breast fullness and maintain your supply. ii) Feed your baby: a sippy cup would be a good choice for a six-month old. If you can, avoid using the bottle. Using a bottle would satisfy a baby’s need to suck and may prolong the strike. The strike could be brought on by a number of potential causes. You can refer to this list to see if your baby is having any of those mentioned: This is also another great article highlighting some common causes and what to do during the strike: Regardless, try to be patient even though it is a frustrating period. Try the different suggestions based on what you think the cause is. Hope these information helps! Hang in there!
Read moreMy baby isn't breastfed but like what Evelyn said, yours could be on a milkstrike. It happened to my son to a few weeks back. He usually drinks 180ml every 3 to 4 hours, but he was only drinking 60ml to 80ml before throwing his bottle away. He'll scream if I try to make him drink anymore. But I noticed that ever sinc then, he's been gnawing on his toys and blanket more often so it could be that his teething. And like Evelyn mention, it's just a phase :) My son is now back to 180ml and sometimes still wants his food right after.
Read moreBabies may go on milk strike at different growing phases. At 6 months old, babies may refuse to latch due to teething. Their teeth are starting to grow under their gums which cause them to feel itchy and uncomfortable. This may cause them to refuse latching. You can try to relieve their discomfort by giving them teether or to freeze your breastmilk and give them your breastmilk Popsicles to chew instead. This phase is usually temporary.
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