6 Replies

hmm.. some tips that I've read which may help include: - checking the temperature of the milk. I've read that some babies may be fussy about the temperature of their milk and hence may refuse the bottle if the temperature is not "right" for them - try different bottles. Perhaps try other bottles, finding the right bottle/nipple is important. If the bottle nipple resembles that of the mother's, the baby will be more inclined to take it. - try feeding from sippy cup. You can try this and see if your baby is able to drink from a sippy cup. This may help solve the bottle issue. Hope one of these work for you. Good luck!!

Same age as mine, had this problem when i started work (started work when she was 2mo) 1. I split the feedings into smaller portions so u dont waste ur precious liquid gold 2. I changed bottle, trial and error from NUK to PIGEON to COMO TOMO, choose anythjg thats nearest to our nip feel. Ensure that the teat flow is similar to our nip too. Every babies is different and has their personal preference so i suggest u try out urself 3. Check the daily diaper output if u r worry about his growth. Check with ur pd on his growth if not much output

My LO is 4.5 months old and I have the same problem you do. She's been direct latching and bottle feeding without problems since she was a newborn. But now she only accepts the bottle when I'm at work (and very reluctantly). She also refuses her 6pm bottle feed because she knows I'll be home soon and she'd rather hold out for me. If you find a solution please let me know!

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Super Mum

how is his feeding when you're back from work? baby will do what's valled reverse cycling - kind of like compensating what has been missed, so chances are he'll be feeding more frequently or longer when you're around.

I guess this is milk strike? you might want to try Pigeon SS teat, which is what I'm using for my 4 month old.

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