7 Replies

To add on to the mummies' comment above, you can try to tickle your baby's ear to let baby to stay more alert during breastfeeding. This trick works for both of my babies when they were young. Also, try different latching position other than side lying so baby can be more alert. To avoid vomit since your baby has a reflux issue, do burp baby half way of milk then continue latching again. Also, prop baby in an inclined position to let him/her feels more comfortable. I have a friend whose baby has very serious acid reflux and her PD advised her to feed total comfort and to mix with breastmilk. Do check with your baby's PD if necessary.

firstly I'd like to tell you that it gets better. I brought my baby to a PD and he prescribed us some medication (some infant antacid). now baby is abt 3 months and it has improved by a lot (though not fully ok yet). nursing her was always a challenge due to the reflux. I burp her v often, about once every 3 min. when my helper bottle feeds her she also burps her often. it helps. to help her get to the hindmilk, I, too, pumped out some before nursing her. cause to make things worse, I'm an oversupply mom. also, I don't switch breasts. I let her drink from one breast for 2 consecutive feeds. all the best!

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I think one way you can do it is to pump out the milk. The foremilk helps to quenches your baby's thirst and with acid reflux, you also need to make sure that your baby doesn't drink too much at one go. So using a bottle to feed your baby may help. Bottle feeding will also help with the infrequent feeding as I can imagine how tired you will be to feed so frequently. You may choose to latch on still and do a mix between bottle and latching on to make sure your baby gets the necessary nutrients he needs and also bonding through breastfeeding. Let us know you decide?

Acid reflux can be due to sensitivity to your diet, and so is green poo. Foremilk-hindmilk imbalance, resulting in green poo, is not as common as everyone thinks, unless you are a severe oversupplier. Another possibility is that you have an overactive letdown, resulting in your baby latching for less than 5 minutes. In that case, it would be advisable to pump for a letdown first and then latch your baby. Or, latch your bub lying backwards so that the gravity can help with the overactive letdown. Hope it helps.

Is your baby falling asleep while breastfeeding? Like the mummy above has suggested, you can try tickling your baby to keep him awake in order to get a proper feed in. I think to address the reflux issue, you need to make sure you baby is burped properly after a feed. Burping a baby can be tricky and not all methods work for every baby. So try a different method each time and see what works for your baby.

Hi mummy, I did the same by throwing away the watery part when I pump out to let my lo consumed the hindmilk. But it was't helping much though because the he vommitted out too. Try burp him halfway then continue feed again. If after burp, put him upright or prop up for awhile before letting him lie down. I can only say it will get better as they grow older. Hang on there mummy.

I believe you can do that by pumping put the foremost first and let baby latch and consume the hindmilk. It's better to get some milk in rather than nothing. Like what Grace has mentioned, try to burp baby frequently and let him latch again. You can get a wedge pillow and prop him up.