My 2 month old has been latching constantly since yesterday. Usually she would nurse 3 hours interval, n starting from yesterday , she keeps wanting to latch and basically it's like non stop. Once I pull off my nipple from her, she would seek for it, if I don't offer my breast to get, she would cry v loudly, as if she's very hungry.. I even brought out my stash as both my breast doesn't have enough milk for her when she's latching like this.. I hasn't blink an eye since last night till now, and as I'm typing out this qns, she's still latching. I seriously need some help !

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Baby may be going through a growth spurt. During a growth spurt, breastfed babies tends to nurse more than usual and are often fussier. The increase demand of nursing is temporary. It usually lasts for 2-3 days. You can continue to nurse baby, not necessary to give expressed milk as growth spurt do help mummies in increasing their supply as well. For more information, you can read them here:

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