6 Replies

She seems to have some difficulty pooping. It is actually not advisable to give water before your baby reaches 6 months. You can try the following methods: -putting the ruyi oil and massage in circular clockwise motions -move her legs in bicycling motion -rectal stimulation using a rectal swab/thermometer -taking probiotics suitable for infants

It might be because their tummy muscles are too weak. My daughter used to always push so hard when passing motion till her face turns red. I usually do light massages and leg exercises for her. It works great for her. http://sg.theasianparent.com/tummy-massage-for-colic-and-constipation/v=RINGqYMmnkY

Since baby is still young and not able to take fiber diet from fruits and vegetables, you may feed your little one with GAIA probiotics drops to ease the constipation. You can purchase it from Guardian or Waston. Remember to store in fridge after every use.

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I think you need to consult a doctor as it is not normal for a baby to every 2-3 days. Generally a baby which is fed formula should poo once a day as it causes constipation.
