3 Replies

Got it at the age of 31 after a long wait! Have been living with in laws for 3 years plus. Life is still okay despite living with in laws but still feel better having my own house! Lesser restriction and more comfortable. If your life isn’t good while living with in laws, you should consider getting a rental flat if can afford! Otherwise, can consider resales flat for a faster route? If your in laws are really nice people, you can hang on!

It’s quite expensive ! 🥹🥹 my husband tells me to hang on . I guess i got no choice

Couldn’t get a ballot for BTO & went ahead with resale just before Covid. So I only hopped around between my parents & in law for about a year. I’m thankful we went ahead with resale. ☺️

Glad you made a right choice ! Yes bto waiting time is too long

How does this have to do anything with pregnancy or baby? Are you asking this because u have a baby and don’t want to stay with in-law?

I do have 2 kids. Just concerned about the bto waiting time as the kids will enter primary school soon and got no more space at in laws

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