Curious New Mum

Hi Mummysss! Need advice/POV.. (thank you in advance🫰🏼) This is my 1st pregnancy and I'm at 38week + 4days. My EDD is 20th Aug but my nxt appt will be on the 15th Aug. Let's say there's still no sign of labour/contractions till 15th Aug , what shld I likely to expect on my next appt (15th Aug) ? Since it's like 5 days away from EDD🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️? Anyway the chosen hospital is KK for us . #pleasehelp #advicepls #firstbaby

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If baby is doing well inside and have enough fluid, I would suggest to wait for baby’s cue. Depending on gynae, they might ask if you wanna induce. I had to be induced 3 days after my EDD due to low fluid 😅