6 Replies

There is a breast milk storage guideline that all of us nursing mothers must adhere to so please Google for it. Wrongly handling of breast milk storage can cause serious complications to our growing baby. Your breast milk will kick in more soon so do keep them in 60-120ml bags preferably. Write down the time you first express your milk. Buy those 100ml bags for smaller amount of milk. There’s a few in Shopee. Ranging from 100ml, 120ml, 150ml, 180ml, 210ml and so on. When mixing, do make sure all are of the same temperature. And wash and sterilise your pumps thoroughly after every session. This is really important. I’ve read an article where the baby died because the bacteria found in the breast pumps are the same bacteria found in the sink of the mother’s house. 😰 And after a while you will see a layer of oil in your breast milk storage bags when you heat them up especially. Don’t be alarmed cause those are good fats that keep our baby grow strong and healthy. Spoiled milk will smell and taste sour and when you feed your baby and he/she turns away, that’s a first sign to stop feeding and that milk could be spoiled so do check it. And no matter how taxing it can get, DO NOT stop latching or pumping. It will affect your production tremendously. Drink plenty of water as well. Good luck and welcome to motherhood and breastfeeding world! ❤️

VIP Member

For me, I usually write down the date & day. Like 16th Feb, Tuesday. If u put in fridge, can last for 2-3days and if u put in freezer, can last up to 6months. By then, recorded time doesnt really matter. Yes, I mix them together since it's on the same day.

I see. Thanks for the input Janice. I have just started breastfeeding 7 days ago and know nuts about how to store my milk even when they gave me a pamphlet I still blur. Really appreciate it. Thanks mummy ☺️

yes u can mix it but u have to maoe sure both timinga bm have reached similar temperature before mixing. therefore u may put all the bm in the fridge first then u mix it them before u go to bed at the night time.

Can I put in freezer straight then mix them?

VIP Member

I write time I started expressing the milk and never mixed them

I don't mix them .. Just label date and time . Then store

Ok noted on that thank you ☺️

If milk is different temperature, don’t mix.

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