2 Replies

Same! 36 weeks here. Been experiencing numbness and tingling sensation in my fingers both left and right. It’s actually due to inflammation on the nerves as baby grows bigger. Change sides frequently whenever it happens. I wear compression socks at night to keep my legs from getting swollen like my first pregnancy and so far it hasn’t swelled up. Hands, can’t do much with the numbness. But I did develop preeclampsia post-delivery for my firstborn. Not sure if it is related again. I’m on Aspirin too since 2nd tri. I think doc will advise to stop at 36 weeks. My next appt is tmr (14 July) I’ll help to ask about the numbness, if it’s pretty common or one of the signs.

Hi mummy! I just went for my appointment. Doctor says it's normal and it's due to water retention. I guess I have to cut down on the salt intake haha.

useful info regarding water retention: https://americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/pregnancy-health-wellness/swelling-during-pregnancy/

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