8 Replies

You should change the childcare if it is not meeting your expectations in terms of communication. No point feeling frustrated over something that is unlikely to change if that's the style or frequency of communication given from teachers to parents. As a final resort, you may want to consider preparing some form of feedback letter (gathering the signatures of a few other parents who think the same way) to the School regarding this suggested improvement. Not sure how much that will help though but at least, let the School know that it's a common concern from more than one parent.

My kid is with my first skool and they use a parent-staff portal as a communication platform (though it's only one way so far, i.e. teacher to parents) but we get to know the activities done in the school on a regular basis. Announcements are also made through this portal, which I find it very useful as busy working parents get the notification through the portal app on our phones. Separately, my kid also have a communication book for parents to pen any notes to the teachers.

My school has a portal where they are "supposed" to upload photos . But its very very rare. They barely upload any photos, while they used to do that a lot during her first few days. The comm book is only used to say we got the fees.

Mine has a school portal app and all photos and notices are posted inside. We can also use it to send messages to the teachers. Every two weeks minimum we will get notifications on the photos being uploaded in the app too.

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mine doesn't do any updates. The most i can see is via online photo uploads that's all. I always ask them during the pick up or drop off when i see their teachers. Question them

Both photo updates are good and also updates on their progress.

I usually ask whenever I have questions. I call the teachers during nap time or speak to them when I pick up the kids.

mine has weekly communication book for parents

may i know what is usually written in the comm book ?

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