1 Replies

VIP Member

Just either pump or hand express the milk out to prevent engorgement. If you want to pump it’s doable, cut down the pressure and time that you use to pump. What I did was I still pump for 20mins but I cut down the number of times I pump per day like from 5 times to 4 times (before I went back to work) and I maintain this for like 3months cause I wanted my girl to drink breastmilk still, then when my milk supply dropped which it will after 6months, I cut down to 3 pump with the middle pump after lunch. Lasted for about 2-3 months and decided to slowly stop cause as my menses comes back my milk supply keeps dropping. Then subsequently to 2 pumps for 1 month and 1 pump for another month and I just stop. Word of advice, never just cause you want to wean off, you stop pumping entirely. Weaning off takes time and needs to be done gradually. Otherwise engorgement will happen and you will have to empty your breastmilk again.

Thanks for your advice. I will continue to do 2 pumps per day as per what I was doing before I temporarily stop pumping entirely. 2 pumps per day is still doable when I go back to work. How do you actually drop from 2 pumps per day till just 1 pump per day and eventually stop totally?

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