How to tell if my supply is decreasing?

Hi mummies need your advice but also a bit of a rant. My mother and I are having some disagreements on feeding my 4 month old baby. Baby is currently exclusively latched plus I only pump once in a while for emergency uses. As far as I know, breastfeeding is going well since baby latches well and gains weight well (a bit bigger than average). But my mother says my supply is not enough for baby and need to top up formula. I'm not against formula feeding however I don't see a need as breastfeeding is going well, and I don't know whether baby will react well to formula. I'm resisting but my mother keeps complaining and she keeps feeding baby my pumped stash which I want to save :( even though I said I can just directly latch. The reasons she claims my supply is low are: 1) my boobs look soft and flabby (I must agree this is true, my boobs used to feel much heavier and firmer in earlier days but now not so much) but I'm not sure if it's an indication that my supply is low? And 2) because baby is very fussy lately even after feeding, but I feel fussiness can be caused by many reasons not necessarily because of hunger. Every time baby cries my mother would make remarks that baby is hungry and my empty boobs are not enough to make her full which makes me feel so disheartened and sad. I don't know who is right anymore, I really can't tell if my supply has gone down, the only fact I do know is baby is still growing well and chubby, although quite fussy sometimes. When I do pump I'd get about 40-80ml per boob (I usually pump about 1 hour after feeding baby). What do mummies think? #pleasehelp #advicepls #breastfeeding

2 Replies

Hi mama, I’m so sorry to hear that you’re going through this. Breastfeeding is already tough as it is without receiving discouraging remarks from family or loved ones but kudos to you for soldiering on. I’m here to affirm that you’re gut instincts and knowledge of breastfeeding are spot on! As long as baby is gaining weight well and wetting enough diapers, your baby is getting the milk she needs. As for not feeling ‘full’ at the breast anymore compared to earlier postpartum days, this is normal as your body would have better regulated the amount of milk for baby. Feeling empty is by no means a sign that you’re not producing enough milk. At 4 months, baby could be going through a growth spurt. Most parents find that their LOs get fussy during these phases. They also cluster feed or feed for short durations but more times in a day and feeding intervals are closer together. The phase usually lasts for a few days to about a week or so. Don’t worry, it’ll soon pass. The pump is never a good indicator of the amount of milk you have in the breast as your baby is far more efficient at emptying your breast. Also, because you don’t pump often, your breasts may not be as seasoned to your breast pump as you’d like. Mama, we’re all rooting for you. Don’t let this get you down. You’re providing the best nature has to offer. If you could talk to someone or even hubby to keep encouraging or supporting you - even send you affirmations every now and then, it might help. Take care and my heart goes out to you.

just continue to breastfeed by direct latching and also pumping more often to get more supply if you believe in your choice of breastfeeding

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