7 Replies

I eat an (unpeeled) apple daily and drink lots of water. Unpeeled as the apple skin contains a lot of fibre. 26 weeks now and been able to pass motion everyday.

I'll try having it daily!

i try to eat different fruits every few days, esp papayas, banana, oranges& drink more water though you will keep peeing🥹

Not at all as lactose syrup does wonders and help. Alternatively, Ill drink ribena/yakult or have banana/papaya.

take strawberries & bananas !!! helped me alot as i was going through the same experience as you

Ask gynae gif u a strong laxative. Tat is wat I did.

I add half a teaspoon of chia seeds to drinks!

a cup of prune juice

sadly, prune juice is not working for me...

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