2 Replies

I have an inverted nipple on one side, latched on and off together with pumping. Now after 13m of bf & pumping, my inverted nipples became protruded 😅. Use a nipple puller before you latch. Always remember to start with the nipple that is harder to get milk because once you offer the easy boob, your baby will not want to suckle for milk if it’s hard. (Who wants to work hard if there’s an easy way right hahaha). Try different positions, cradle, side etc etc to see which one suits you and baby more.

It’s normal to feel frustrated. Especially with a crying baby and major lack of sleep. Baby is only 10 days old, we are new to bf-ing, hence we may need some time to get the “correct” latch. You can pump before feeding to “pull” out the nipple or get a nipple puller. Give it a few more tries, your baby will eventually get the hang of it. Also, don’t feel upset on not being able to feed from the boob, pumping and feeding has it’s good too. Someone can help you with night feeds and also you’ll be able to track how much your baby drank and catch more sleep too. Bf babies (breast) tends to wake up more frequently than compared to bottle fed babies. Whatever it is, you can do it! 💪🏻

Same goes to me! So what i did was, i use my breastpump, using the suction first them i straight latch my baby. It works as well.

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