Decreasing breast milk supply

Hi mummies, I'm exclusively pumping for my newborn and I noticed that lately the supply ha been decreasing. I used to have 90ml from both sides (in my third week post natal now), and now sometimes I only get 60ml from both sides. I drink at least 2L of water and longan red date tea a day and I sleep at least 6 hours. Not sure why my milk is decreasing? There are no clogged ducts also. I have been drinking green papaya soup, eating fish, lactation cookies etc but still the same 60ml yield. :( anyone with the same problem? How to increase the supply again? For personal reasons, I'm not able to latch the baby directly.

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Super Mom

If the lactation cookies or supplement don't work for you, try to stop taking those since the effect of these really vary. For me lactation cookies even decrease my supply further. Power pumping is the only reliable way to build up supply. You pump for 20 minutes, rest for 10, then pump for 10, rest for 10, then pump for 10 again, so 1 hour total. Do it once a day for about a week and you should see result. Good luck!

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Try power pumping / lactation supplement. I’ve tried power pumping but it only helps to a certain amount of bm. & I’m currently taking legendairy’s supplements, my body is reacting quite well to it. My total pump went up about 3x :)

Thành viên VIP

Power pumping! Or pump every 2 hours instead

Try lactation supplements?

Thành viên VIP

you can try power pumping

Super Mom

Try power pumping