Morning sickness at week 14

Hi mummies, I’m currently week 14 and in tri 2 already, however still facing on and off morning sickness. Feeling nauseous all the time and still puke occasionally. Are you guys facing the same issue as well or have subsided once tri 2 hits. Usually ppl around me say that tri 2 is honeymoon phase, no more ms. Hoping to see some positivity.. but I’m still feeling pretty much miserable

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I'm at my 14weeks too... feeling the same as u... happens day and night + insomnia+ no appetite + funny taste buds... I oso hear ladies mentioned 2nd tri will be better... I oso hope I can sleep better at night 🙏JIAYOU

Hi I’m 13 weeks 3 days and still nauseous 24/7 and also puke occasionally too.. am hoping to see some light finally in trim 2. It’s really very miserable… jiayou..

15 weeks going to 16. Still not much appetite and some vomiting when brushing teeth.