Breast Sore

Hi mummies. I'm a breastfeeding mummy, I would pump and latch for my baby. But now my breast is vy painful (right side) and my breast is soft. I thinking is it I over pump it? Cos last few day my supply is a lot buy the flow is slow. So I pump ard 1 hr each time. Usually I pump abt 30-40 mins only. And now having vy bad headache and body ache. Is it affected fm the breast?

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brand horigen, model chicture offer independent left/right pressure control might help you at time like these. this pump is both hospital grade and pass medical std, used by hospital in some countries. available at

Super Mom

When I overpumped, it also hurt a lot for 2 days whenever the milk was “refilling”. It resolved after that

5y trước

Both are ok. Baby won’t oversuck though, so I feel that’s gentler on the breast. I let baby latch on for the 2 days after my incident. No issues thereafter. I was also more careful to not overpump