4 Replies

Hi there, I'm in the same boat. I did a teleconsult instead and was provided pregnancy-safe meds, but mostly only took paracetamol while I had a fever. My gynae advised treating COVID symptomatically (I.e. if you have a cough, take cough medicine; if you have a fever, paracetamol). Based on this, you can recover at home if you have OTC medicine, but please monitor and see a doctor if symptoms worsen or you experience things such as shortness of breath.

I had covid in 1st trimester week 3 and lost my baby in week 16 due to covid infection. But since you are in 2nd trimester already should be safe as my doc said in 1st tri we share 100% of our blood with baby so if any infection baby will also have it but in 2nd tri our baby is more independent and only gets food from us not much blood anymore.

oh dear, im sorry to hear that.. thank you for sharing. (hugs)

If you do not have any medicine, you can visit dr get medicine and rest at home. Alternatively, you can do home remedies and rest.

I tested covid the same week I test positive for pregnancy. I went to see the doctor and was given appropriate medication.

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