2 Replies

Same case for me on both pregnancy 🤣First was 3cm dilate, go back home but during 1 week no signs of labour. So induced, give birth 41 weeks 1 day. This is at NUH. Second was also 3cm dilate but was schedule for induced at 40 weeks 1 day. But, I didnt take it due to issues at KKH. I had only mild contractions, no pain, no mucus plug, no waterbag break and I am not active labor yet. I only give birth the next day. They help to put hormone drip & break my waterbag to kick start active labour and contractions close. Depends on individual, sometimes your 3cm can last for one to two weeks if your body is not on active labour mode. But, there are some cases within few days all the labour signs already shown and until waterbag leak then they go labour. Most mummies if they are induced, believe me when I say we do not know what is contractions until our waterbag is force break (if any) and it starts kick in. I dont get to experience it happened naturally, so I do not know at all. 🫣🤣

Haha I totally agree with your last point! That’s why I’m quite worried 😅 Hopefully I can get to the hospital in time!

Hello mummy!! Any updates on your experience?? Im currently with waiting to give birth for my 2nd and am not sure what to expect 😖😖

Omg all the best mommy!! May you have a smooth delivery 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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