3 Replies

It is fine as long as you are not force feeding the baby. ie continues to force baby the milk even after pushing and crying. Some baby tends to drink more and we should feed on demand.

At 6 days old, my baby drinks 40-60ML every 2-3 hourly (I feed on demand). If baby is throwing up in big amounts or larger amounts of spit ups during burps, then it’s over his limit.

won't it be too much to feed every 2hrs, unless is breastmilk? btw mine is fed formula milk so shouldn't be hungry so fast...

mine was already drinking 60-70ml first few days in KKH, don't be worried! if bb is "overfed" they will reject or throw up milk.

Solely formula milk? Won't it be too much? I got reprimanded by the PD for feeding 50ml every 2hrs

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