Breastfeeding / Pumping

Hi Mummies, i am currently 4 month postpartum and my milk is decreasing. Any recommendation to boost my milk supply? I only manage to do powerpumping every day only at night , as in the day i have to do housechores and send my toddler to school. My 4 month old have gotten sick back to back so i didnt let her latch much as i'm afraid she will get dehydrated. But ever since then, my milk keep dropping cause i didnt let her latch or she just too tired to even latch as much. She got sick often as her brother started playground. So for now about 3 month they get sick every or two week. The stress of taking care of newborn toddler all alone as husband works. And the thought of housechore keep compiling. And i really want to breastfeed my child but my supply is very low. #pleasehelp #advicepls #tiredness

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