Should i get a breast pump before or after baby is born?

Hi mummies, FTM here seeking for your advice. I am still considering whether to get a breast pump now or should i wait until baby is out? Reason being, i’m not sure if i have/have enough supply for BM, will i end up giving FM to baby? If yes, that will be a waste of $ to get a pump if i don’t really get to use it. Do you mummies get a breast pump before or after baby is born? Also, any tips to look out for a suitable breast pump? Thank you!

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I got it before baby is out and I brought it to the hospital for the LC to teach me how to use as I’ve decided to EP instead of latch. It’s normal for your supply to be low for the first few days or even the first month, just don’t drop/drag pumps/latch sessions. It’s okay to mix feed while you build your supply. I only managed to transit to full EBM at 1.5mo. Using Babyexpress BeFree and it lasted me for 18months before the battery started going haywire. IMO, good to have so in case baby cannot latch well, you still have backup option instead of having to wait for a few days (for delivery). Find the pump that can clear your boobs well (I can’t explain this but you will be able to tell as you pump, your boobs will just feels way lighter and soft). Don’t forget your valve inserts!

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