2 Replies

1. Feed bm first then top up with formula (another bottle). And yes, correct, remaining will be 50ML. Gradually when your supply increases, just reduce formula amount. 2. I’m not sure what formula you’re using, I’m using Nan so it’s 1 scoop = 30ml so I make 1&3/4 scoops = 50ML water. 3. I usually feed seperately (so I won’t waste any bm since I’m low supply, every drop is impt) so for bm, it’s up to you to serve warm or chilled. My baby drinks cold milk since young so I will pre-make formula in the fridge then feed both bottles chilled. (She’s 19mo still drinking chilled milk). If you wanna serve it warm and tgt, you have to warm up the bm slightly then mix together with pre-made formula. All my milk I will feed within 2 hours regardless once it’s in room temp. The above is based on my own baby, just a rough gauge. 😊

great instructions! thank you so much for the info! 🤘🏼

I feed bm first, then top up with formula. Sometimes I collect the bm and feed when it reaches the needed quantity. Last time I used to gauge like 1/2 scoop of formula. Now I just make more and let the baby drinks as much as she needs.

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