6th week scan shows sac without yolk

Hi, any mummies experience empty sac without yolk during the 6th week scan?? I am worried #1stimemom

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Did the soct advisw to do a hcg blood test? I went for transviginal scan and did not detect anything also. Had to do blood test twice to ensure hcg level went up. At week 8 then saw something

3y trước

doc didnt ask me to do that. but i will ask for the test if by next weeek i still cant see the yolk

Did you had transvaginal ultrasound dear? If yes, you should be able to see a “bubble like” image. I was able to see my baby’s heartbeat at 6 weeks through that scan. Praying for uu!

3y trước

yes i did the transvaginal scan. but nothing.

I had the same experience - sac without yolk at 7 weeks. Went for second appt 2 weeks later and saw bb measuring 8 weeks with strong heartbeat. Could be late ovulation. Stay positive!!

3y trước

Thank you!!! I hope it is. It is comforting to hear that!!!

In the exact same situation as u now but at around 6 weeks currently. how did ur pregnancy journey go may i ask? The 2 week wait for next appt is tortorous...

6 weeks might be too small to detect. On average, 8 weeks should be able to show 😊

3y trước

Yes yes, go back again on week 8! 🥰

Be positive, maybe you are just 5 weeks pregnant. Jia you jiayou