Any mummies drank lactacting/pregnant milk powder during confinement? Can drink HL Milk(cold)? Currently BF.

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I drank oatsmilk or fresh soyabean milk for lactation. Ultimately you have to keep yourself hydrated with water, cool or warm as you prefer! Don't just stick to warm water and get all stressed up from it just because you hate it. Try to avoid sugary carbonated drinks though, because it screws up the absorption of fluids into your body. If you need bubbly water you can get from friends with soda stream makers but lay off the sugar. Remember you are both healing as well as replenishing fluids as well as providing fluids for your little one. Think of yourself as recovering from flu, more fluids more nutritious food for faster healing. I personally didn't get sick for a good whole 7 months pp and I'm still pumping for my LO.

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