13 Replies

Fenugreek can cause gassy baby so maybe you want to try to latch baby or feed baby the milk after u have taken fenugreek to see if it affects ur baby. Having said that, fenugreek works for some people only (it didn't work for me even when I was taking maximum no of pills). U may want to also consider other things that can boost ur milk supply - mother's milk (also contain fenugreek but much lesser), seafood, salmon, superfoods drink, oats (itself or in drinks) Try to do some power pumps or do more pumps/latch at night (body produces more milk at night) Hopefully all works out well for u. Jia you! I have attached a picture of other possible foods which u have to find what works best for u. Seafood, salmon and durian were my boosters

Thanks so much for the info! :)

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Milk booster differs from each mummy, and fenugreek may cause colic in some baby. There are alot other milk booster you can try - milo - lactation cookies - sashimi - overnight oats - dates milk - papaya soup Etc

VIP Member

It helps to some extent for my case. Also important is to have plenty of fluids like soup and water. :)

VIP Member

For me papaya soup and cod fiah helped me in my supply. And also must rem to drink alot of water. :)

VIP Member

It works differently for individuals. Drink plenty of fluids and green papaya fish soup as well. :)

VIP Member

It work for majority cases from what I read. I also Ensure plenty of water, and enough rest.

In my case it worked. I have heard this from others too

It worked well for me, had a noticeable difference.

Hi Lilian, does your LO have gassy tummy after consuming it?

Nope, my supply dropped after consuming

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