5 month old baby suddenly super fussy

Hi mummies, my baby just turned 5 months old 2 days ago and he suddenly became super fussy and refuses to sleep in his crib. He used to be able to fall asleep on his own and sleep through the night but ever since he turned 5 months old he will wail super loudly when being placed down on his crib, and refuses to sleep except when being carried. He also suddenly dropped in his milk intake. He’s currently coughing a little bit and having a bit of congestion, so I’m not sure if that’s why. But the change is super drastic so we’re a bit worried. Any mummies faced the same issue?? #advicemommies #firsttimemom

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My baby is 5mo and I experienced the same too. I fix it by adjusting his wake window (overtired/undertired will make him super cranky). Recommended ww for 5mo is 2-3Hr. My baby for his 3 naps, ww: 1h45min. If 2hr or later he will not be able to self settle and need a lot of effort to make him slp. Before bedtime his ww is 3Hr. You should trial and error on the timing till you find the sweet spot for your baby. Another thing could be teething too, I noticed my baby grow 2 teeth at the bottom! For dropping milk intake, if your baby is peeing and pooping well should be fine. Baby can self regulate their milk intake 3mo onwards. My baby also suddenly drop milk intake by a lot but he’s still happy and fine Hope this helps😊

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1y trước

Thanks for this! I’ll try to extend his wake windows, but he’s usually sleepy (rubbing his eyes and yawning) when approaching the 1.5 hours mark, and he naps for super short like 30 mins at a time :( not sure how I can extend his naps too.. He’s currently not feeling well so will trial and error this after he recovers. Thank you!