Bathing and feeding

Hi mummies. My baby is 12 days old. I realise today that he has been waking up every 1. 5-2 hours for his feeds. Each feed he is drinking around 60ml. In the beginning, his feeds were every 3 hours. May I know if he is cluster feeding? I also want to check if I should bath baby everyday? So far we only bathe him twice. And whether to clean baby's tongue w a wet cloth?? Lastly just to share, my baby was bottle fed in the hospital. Because of this, he doesn't want to latch on me. Can anyone share any useful advice on how to reverse this? I wished he tried latching... He always gets impatient and push my breast away

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Same issue with you that after bottle feed my baby refused my breast. Lactation consultant actually taught me to use nipple shield to try to let him latch on slowly, it works. And after few times I removed the nipple shield and baby just latch on again naturally.

7mo trước

what brand of nipple shield are u using