Hi Mummies, my 7+ month old daughter recently cries whenever she is passing motion. I can see that she is putting in alot of strength to push it out and most likely is experiencing stomach pain while doing so. She started solids since she turned 6 months. But only experiencing difficulty recently. Any way to help her poo with more ease? Feeding her oats and pumpkin puree now. Also breastfeeding.

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Let her have some water. The oats and pumpkin should be enough fiber but she'll need more liquids.

8y trước

thank you!

I just saw your reply. no problem. hope it gets better soon :)

Most prob is hard stools. Offer more liquid.

8y trước

okay thank you!

Thành viên VIP

Offer some water or you can try prune juice

8y trước

thanks for the advice!