1 Replies

You can try giving 60ML then top up 20ML by 20ML when she cries for milk? That’s what I did cause my LO’s intake is inconsistent now.. She used to take 100ML every 3 hourly, subsequently 90 then 80 every 2 hourly, but have to split into 2 feeds (within 2 hours).

So far although the intake is lesser, there is no weight loss. The problem with my LO is if I give her the 60 20 20 method continuously she can take up to 120ML whereas when I give her 100ML straight she tends to stop drinking at 50ML. Also, she can finish the whole bottle at one go when she’s sleeping. Your leftover bm can freeze in storage bags and accumulate for milk baths 😄 Ever since I started collecting it for her milk bath I feel better when she didn’t finish ahahah

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