Nido 1-3

Hello momshie and dadshie, im trying to give my two year old son a formula milk however I get confused which one is the best, there is a lot of formula milk and it is so overwhelming. I ask my husband’s advice - he goes straight to Nido 1-3, I asked him why - he said it is the cheapest ? ... what formula milk do u give to ur toddler!

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u can try all the free samples from different brands first. sometimes baby doesn't like the taste or allergic to the ingredients.

Thành viên VIP

My 22 mo girl also doesn't like formula. More ok with uht or fresh milk. She latches most of the time though.

Super Mom

U can let the son try samples of different formula milk brand

Super Mom

Haha! Actually at 2 years old, I switched to cow’s milk.

Super Mom

The formula milk from Australia and NZ are usually good
