Moms pls help - I don't have $ to spend on Fm, but I also cannot breastfeed (supply very Low). What's the cheapest but safe formula I can buy? Can I use less scoop of milk and more water or is it dangerous?when can I move to normal cow milk? Also can I buy the formula from JB? Which brand to buy. The most impt thing is the price. I really cannot afford.
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To save $$, best is to breastfeed.
U can try to reinstated/re-stimulate your breast so that it can have milk coming in.
Have your baby to latch as much as possible even though there isn't much milk.
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Actually it depends on ur bb body can adapt to formula milk from my bb I buy formula milk for him from JB he keeps having diarrhea after drinking happens to some of my friends too...
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In Singapore you can try Duplac (it's cheaper then most FM)
If your LO is more then 1 yo, you can give those normal milk powder OR fresh milk.
You can also buy JB milk powder. its safe to buy.
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Mummy, buy across the border. I bought isomil from JB made in netherlands. RM70 for 850gm tin. If really price is a concern then buy the Dugro in Malaysia.
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Hi there. Go to FB look for this person Shirley Chan. She do her own business. She has wide range of FM. Just buzz her n ask her abt the $ of the FM tin.
Queen of Independency