3 Các câu trả lời

For me, tak wajib. Masa I dapat list from my families pun ada yang suggest beli nipple cream. They said nanti senang bila nipple sore. But I macam that thing was uncertainty so I decided when that thing happen baru I beli. Now dah 2yrs++ I breastfeed anak, tak pernah lagi guna nipple cream. After deliver, lactation nurse share tips guna susu ibu je bila nipple sore. So yeah itu je yang I buat hehe. U kerja ke? If yes, wajib beli. Kalau tak kerja, tak beli pun takpe. Direct feed is the first method. It's up to you.

Okayy faham. Thanks tauuu.! Ilmuuuuuu baru for me! Lurve❤️❤️

mcm sy dlu ank 1&2 xbli...awl² nipple sy skit msa nk kuar susu first² tu sy stanby gk yg no 3 ni. rsa wjib tuk sy bli dh huhu..seksa sakit awl2,bf😂 cri yg kcil2 je..bnyk bzir gk..ni tuk pglman sy laa..lain org x sma

beli buat standby je sis. yg saiz kecik murah sikit. incase nipple crack dah tak serabut baru nak beli. mcm sy standby yg kecik mcmni je https://s.shopee.com.my/8pQshnNvyU

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