Sis... Try guna opk since u cakap your period is irregular... Nanti u akan jumpa waktu subur yg sbnr... Apps tu just kira based apa yg kita key in je... Kalau period u regular maybe sama la dgn apps.... Klau irregular susah sikit
Seems like ovulation symptoms...i always got cramps during ovulation and headache as well.. with my first baby,i didn't have any symptoms,just no period.☺️
Macam ni sis. Sis jgn terlalu fikir. Sbb ni boleh ganggu hormon. Relax je.🥰🥰 if ada will be yours. Keep PRay yaa. Goodluck.
Habis period terus bersama ke?? Hurmm tlg cari waktu subur yee lepas period.. Bukan abis period cun2 terus bersama.. Cari waktu subur taw