All mommy's.. Is anybody experiencing thyroid while pregnant? Mind share your experience before birth, after birth..and How the baby? Clinic confirmed tht i hve thyroid ?? and im 26weeks now, i only read bout thyroid tru google

Hi sis. I know that you're worries. Of course, it's perfectly normal. But from what I read, if doctor keep their eyes on your case closely, and you receive some treatment for thyroid, you shouldn't be worry. Most of pregnant women with thyroid can go thru pregnancy and deliver safely. So does the baby! What is important here, you need to consult your doctor about any treatment, or symptom that you should watch out. All of us are praying for you. All the best!
Đọc thêmsy ada hypotirodism. lebih 10 tahun. now sy mengandung anak pertama. usia kandungan baru 17mggu. risau tp sy ikut je apa doc suruh. dos ubat utk tirod juga naik. setiap 2 mggu check up dan ambil darah. doakan dipermudahkan urusan sy sepanjang mengandung dan bersalin nanti.