sign of labour???

hi mommies. im so worry right now. i got the pains and symptoms that similar to the sign of labour but im only 32 weeks. the problem is, im confuse alot because i never been there yet. since my last complete pregnancy ended up in OT for cesarean. no experience in normal birth. so now i really want to know the common symptoms that all mommies out there been through. it might soothe out my stress. i dont know what to do. no bleeding yet. i need support so i can plan what to do if something really happen. to be honest, i really thought this pregnancy will be a cesarean too. but this situation really makes me scared, confuse & stress. please share. i google and makes me confuse more. need to hear from real experienced mommies.

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kalau kekerapan kontraksi tu smakin kuat, kiraan dalam 5 min hilang dtg, tu mmg nak bersalin..

5y trước

ya.. braxton hicks tu 1 hal. pernah kene masa mgu ke 37. hahaha. malam2 dia buat hal. ingatkan dah nak bersalin. tp hilang gitu ja lepas tu. kekeke