Bakuna After 2 Takeaways

Hi Mommies! We’re you able to watch the Famhealthy webinar last Tuesday about Bakuna after 2? I have 4 children who are now all school-aged kids and this webinar is very helpful for me because I learned that my kids still need boosters of the vaccines they had when they were babies like Varicella, Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Vaccines can prevent future illnesses most especially when they grow older and as mom, it is our responsibility to prevent it and protect them at all means. Join our bakunanay community on facebook to learn more about vaccines. #ProudtobeABakunanay #VaccinesWorkForAll #Famhealthy #SanofiActs #HealthierPhilippines

Bakuna After 2 Takeaways
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thanks for sharing po