Sakit ectopic pregnancy

Hi mommies nak tanya. Siapa pengalaman ectopic? Sakit dia macam mana ya? Tiba-tiba senggugut teruk ke macam mana? Dan dapat detect weeks berapa? Saya nak masuk week 6. Ada bleeding macam darah period. Senggugut ada tapi mild je. Dr scan TVS tak nampak kantung kat mana. Dr syak failing pregnancy atau bole jadi ectopic..#firstbaby #firstmom #pleasehelp

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My experience with ectopic - bleeding masa 5 weeks and sakit yang teramat mcm nk mti. Masa tu xtau i was pregnant i thought it was period pain tp pelik sgt ni sbb sakit xleh nk bgn. So went checkup xnampak kantung apa2 but upt positive. So br tau pregnant. Disebabkan i was in pain so mmg warded lah and dah vaginal scan pun xnampak where is the pregnancy sampailah, my uterine area was filled with blood and emergency masuk OT to remove it. I was 50-50 life/death masa tu. I was 8 weeks pregnant masa tu. Not to scare u BUT have your regular checkups sampai doctor dpt jumpaa mana pregnancy tu, bcs u can die from ectopic esp when it burst. And only pakar gynae sahaja boleh scan ni not regular maternity clinics. So mintak ur clinic buat referral letter to hosp utk jumpa pakar gynae utk check further. Hopefully its not the case for u and semoga dipermudahkan ye

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*hugssss semoga xkan terjadi dahh sbb trauma sgt. Ameenn

Not too sure pasal ectopic sbab tak prnah experience Alhamdulillah. Tp if period regular by 6w supposedly dah blh nmpak kantung. Kalau period irregular maybe 6w x nmpak lagi la kot. Haritu saya 6w scan perut dah nmpak kantung size 5w dah. Alhamdulillah xde spotting/bleeding. No cramping too

6w still too small utk detect. utk 8w bru boleh detect.