Xray in pregnancy

Hi mommies, I've been coughing for almost a month now. Recovered from covid two weeks ago. Currently on my third trimester. Is it advisable that i can go for xray to check my chest for ease of mine? Is it safe for pregnant woman who is in third trimester? #pleasehelp #advicepls

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Xray is dangerous when pregnant. Doc will not allow it too as it will affect baby. And dont worry i also got covid when pregnant, even after 2 months in still coughing

12mo trước

Oh dear. Been taking the strong medicine that was prescribed by the doc so trying to see how it will work for me. Get well soon mommy!

Best you consult a GP. It is quite normal to have some residual cough after having COVID.

12mo trước

Noted! Will try to watch my diet!