Hi mommies, I’m 20 weeks but still didn’t feel any movement yet from the baby, is it normal? #firstbaby

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Its normal..i felt mine on 26th weeks and now im on my 31 weeks felt like baby is playing soccer kicking non stop
sy yg start rasa smpai 35w pun setiap hari mcm x cukup 10 kick Tapi bila p scan baby semua ok jaa ..tapi tiap hari mcm x cukup 10kick
Sy mase mgu 13 da rase wave..skrg da mgu 22 bile pose xrase grk tersbkk pose..da mkn br die tendang2..klau x risau je...anak ke2
first baby biasanya around 18-22 weeks. i dulu 19wks for both pregnancies, baru rasa first kick. 24bln baru jelas terasa
Sama.. Sy 20w hari ni.. Belum rasa kicking lagi.. Hari rabu baru2 ni ada rasa mcm wave.. Tp sekali tu je skrg xde dah 😂
wave tu rasa mcm mana?
Saya anak ke 4 pun baru dpt rasa masa 19 - 20 weeks. Itupun macam bubble2.. Perut ibunya terlalu tebal 😅😅
belum lagi tu... 23 minggu shuld feel a tickle..28 above stronger movement. if smpi 25 xde shuld check further
Its normal.. just wait until 21-22 weeks.. the kicks of the baby will be very obvious for you to feel
Sy dh 22 week belum lagi.hanya ade rase sikit2 je ..tanya doc dia ckp mmg belum lagi dpt rase sepenuhnya.
Momsy of 2 sweet prince