Baby Kick

Hi mommies, i preggy 21weeks tp belum rasa baby first kick is it normal?

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Mybe sbb grkan baby mc slow...N mngkn sbb terlindung dgn tu air ketubn mybe...Bcoz sya pn bgtu...Bila da msk mnggu ke 21++ bru rsa...Kdg2 x sdr tu baby kick n rsa mcm bubble2 hihi...But hopfly vrythng is ok...Alrght mami

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normal ...lg2 anak first lambat sket dapat rasa.ank kdua ktiga awl sket da bole rasa...doc ad bgtaw sy mcm tu dlu.asalkan scan n jantung bby ok ,insyaallah ok..dnt worry...

5y trước

sy ank first.. alhamdulillah 3bulan dh boleh rase diey gerak..skrng 20mnggu mkin aktif..tpi kte rase sorang jew la..ayhnyew bz krje jew..😢

normal tu sis. because the baby is still small. you going to feel it eventually. be patient and wait for it. hehe take care mommy

hi..jgn risau insyallah nnti dpat jugak rase diey doakn yg terbaik tok awk dan bby yew..

mcm saya 1st tambah lagi lemak perut tebal sgt.hihi.mmg dh besar sgt baru dpt rasa gerakan baby.

normal sis..saya week 23 baru dapat rasa baby kicking 😆

5y trước

sy dh 21 week belum dapat rasa baby aktif lagi.

Wait till 23weeks..