I feel you... I scheduled to visit gynae from week 7. But as my GP not confidence to change my medication (existing condition) to pregnancy safe, I had gone to gynae on week 5. In that week, did 2 times vaginal scan and 3 times HCG blood test n last diagnosed by private gynae is either ectopic or a miscarriage in progress, rare chance of normal pregnancy. In the end I went kk, did another 2 times vignal scan n finally found a gestational sac in uterus. I am going for my week 8 review next week. I should hv follow my instinct n not to let the gynae scan, my 3rd pregnancy and I don't have any unwell except the normal pregnancy signs.
Follow ur instinct but if unwell better get to a&e. Normally suggest week 7 or 8 in case of any abnormalities.